
To that end, they try to manipulate our minds into believing in an authority outside ourselves so we can be more easily controlled as they see fit. The invitation to this sublime adventure pivots wildly between two distinct questions: Does the planetary consciousness awaken from sleep, as one wakes up in the morning to begin the day? Kala Tantra does include sexuality and sexual acts in a most decisive way, to be sure. He was born in 1939, near Riwoq, in , Eastern. This discovery allowed me to work out a timeframe for the sequence of Zodiacal Ages in the great precessional cycle of 26,000 years. The debate over a possible awakening of humanity and the earth itself in 2012, even a reorientation of the earth to the galactic center, does not include this particular syntax.
Hackers Para Tantra Portal 2015 y Otros

Amazingly, her shift can be plotted in the range of historical process understand by those who are key characters in her dream, humans. Then ones biological energies spontaneously rise up into the higher parts of the body and into the higher states of consciousness, opening the heart and mind to whole new and awesome realities. Over more than six years, this site has attracted a large clan of loyal readers, students and collaborators. And for this soul, trying to lighten the planetary heart of its pain and suffering becomes a major reason for being. In other words, her conscious dreaming and our realization of how it affects and involves us must be simultaneous and interactive. The first generation of the Endtime Tribes of Kali Yuga were born in the interval 1945 - 1975, the second generation 1975 - 2005, the third generation 2005 - 2035, and so on. Campbell also taught the general public.
★ Forum Tantra K¹³ Évolution

R Author: Fabrizio Fullone Composer: Fullone Fabrizio Auto-generated by YouTube. The Center of the Lotus Tantra sādhakas religious practitioners comportment is with reverence and devotion to divine principles and the energetic vibrations of Love, bliss, pleasure, Eros, sensuality, fecundity, transcendence, and expansion—experiencing the Higher Self and Divine Consciousness. We are the vehicles for spirit to work through. Gaia comes first in the hyphenated term because we encounter the planet first, through the natural evidence of our senses. However, so many of you expressed the desire to learn about giving and receiving Tantric pleasures. The practice of Planetary Tantra depends on learning some technical language, as happens with any art or discipline worth your time and attention. For the new direction of the site, I will adopt Tibetan and Indian Tantric lore drawn from both Buddhist and Shaivite sources, including wisdom teachings and secret practices,.
Tantra is Prayer
We do not merely live in the dreaming of Sophia, we live as mobile cells embedded in her massive dreambody. Today we call the living planet Gaia. Whatever the exact historical chronology might be no one really knows , this timing is both symbolically pregnant and existentially pertinent. There are also sacred Geisha women who are in right relationship with God. Let's use cigarettes as an example.
Tantra: Portal to Conscious Sexuality Tickets, Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 6:45 PM

The Kālachakra tradition revolves around the concept of time and cycles : from the cycles of the planets, to the cycles of human breathing, it teaches the practice of working with the most subtle energies within one's body on the path to enlightenment. Stay in playful inquiry, trust your inborn knowing, abide joyously in the beauty and sanity of your heart, and you will rapidly realize that the key to learning these terms is not intellectual mastery but the sheer excitement of using them, knowing what they address, who they address. These 6 paths are often described as: White, Red, Rose, Black, Dark, and Indigo. I am stunned and saturated moment to moment by the luminous beauty of this Dakini Wisdom. It is like a pearl Sophia produces out of the grind of her oyster-like process of materialization.
Tantra: Portal to Conscious Sexuality Tickets, Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 6:45 PM

Deep down, we all desire to return to Oneness and Unity - any outer thing substance or person we feel attached or addicted too is just symbolic of that inner yearning. This technique may help your mind come closer to the realization that you really do have access to the entire universe — inner and outer - there is no separation. However, there are many studious, more traditional Tantra enthusiasts that feel this is just a rationalization. When one sees and feels the inter-connections and inter-dependencies we all have with each other and all of life, the conclusion one comes to is that the only way to be free is to help others be free. This is touched upon in certain scriptures, East and West. She is seen as being ideally suited for people with strong passions, providing the way to transform those passions into enlightened virtues. However, once we imbibe these drugs from an external source , our bodies often cease production.
★ Forum Tantra K¹³ Évolution

Here I set a boundary: the explicit sexual features of Planetary Tantra belong to the dimension of this sacred transmission that will not be represented on this site by exposition of any kind, or even by hints. That is 207 years ahead from this year, 2008. As a channel of the Higher Self, your very presence brings Grace and Light to all. I ask nothing of the sort. The spelling Kālacakra is also used.
Hackers Para Tantra Portal 2015 y Otros

Having cleared our channels enough, the merits of our inner work can then spread outwards, healing and uplifting the world and its people. And there is an entertainment factor too. If you want to be an active participant of this grand work the invitation is presented - the choice is yours. In scientific terms, Organic Light is stellar plasma. Having said that, in my private sessions, I do not enact even a drop of Red or Black Tantra for several reasons. At the age of two he was discovered by the search party seeking the reincarnation of the previous 1st Akong, Abbot of monastery near.
Portal:Vajrayana Buddhism

Just so, the divine presence of this living planet, the planetary superorganism called Gaia, at first acted cognitively with human beings, and now begins to act conatively. It is here our consciousness can fully experience itself within the dualistic nature of existence. The lower powers that have been in control on this planet on one dimension or another know all about our weaknesses. It cued me to my life mission. As your energy, consciousness and vibrations accelerate and shift into a higher gear, relationships begin to take on a whole new meaning and purpose.
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